Tower of trample 8f standalone 1.0.1
Tower of trample 8f standalone 1.0.1

tower of trample 8f standalone 1.0.1

I guess I should also mention that there wont be anything else than critical fixes, given the time I have - in the end of next month, I′ll be leaving home for months, on a vacation. I′m planning to upload fixes of course, I′m just lacking time at the moment to really focus on modding.

tower of trample 8f standalone 1.0.1

To sum it up, I′m enjoying the perfect Oblivion I kept telling myself I would do once I get DR6 to a playable state. It′s 100% stable, actually, and it has never played this smooth while looking as good either. I guess it′s ironic to those of you with problems - but my game has never been this stable. With the time I have, I′m actually playing the myself, first time after 2 years. Sorry guys for the lack of replies, news or updates.

Tower of trample 8f standalone 1.0.1